Top 5 Books To Read This Lockdown [Books that evoke kindness, compassion and more in readers]

[P.S-Click on the image to go to the respected book's Amazon webpage]
1. How I Taught My Grandmother To Read And Other Stories.
This book is one of my most favorite books. Sudha Murthy writes in a simple, yet meaningful manner. Her book uses normal and simple words. Thus you cannot say that her book is difficult. Her book has humor, guidance, compassion, and more, all rolled into one book. There is no adult content, thus making it a must-read for all ages.

  2. Those Days In Delhi
Another favorite of mine, Those Days In Delhi is all about the daily catastrophic days of an Indian, Middle-classed middle child named Gudia aka Yashodhara in the 90s. Everything-from the monstrous teachers to the hair growing in her own hair-is going against her. There is no adult content in this book. This book beautifully captures those times when each of us wanted to become the most attractive, most popular, and the most confident person in our school/college. This book is a soothing balm to every teenager going through his/her treacherous teenage days.[I know since whenever something bad or embarrassing has happened, I always turn to this book as a soother!!] It gives you a feeling that you are not alone who are surviving these troubles. Spooky maids, neighborhood friends, cold wax, treacherous teachers, and more await you for this journey of Gudia.

3. The Gopi Diaries
Another book from Sudha Murthy, yet this one is so cute and innocent. It shows the perception of life from a small, cute puppy's view. It's book number 1 of a 3-book series. It's a 7+ book filled with humor and innocence.

4. The Chicken Soup Collection
So these books are really amazing if you are looking for motivation, guidance, and humor. If you have your type's book like if you are a teen and there is chicken soup for teens, please purchase it since it is a life-changer.

5. The Gita For Children
It's not a religious book, rather it's a book that teaches you the way of life by ancient people like brahmins, Kshatriyas, and more. It also teaches you how to live a life free of tension. Please refrain from making small children from reading this book since there are some not-so-nice words that may stick with them forever. So if you are sensible and know that these are not-so-nice, then that should not be a problem. 


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